Below is information about excerpts performed in Triangle Concert Series: Food off Love Episode 02. During the concert, we brought different rhythm of mans and womens in 10 excerpts from famous operas. We hope in each opera excerpt, the audience would feel the different sides of love and enjoy as fine-dinning restaurant.

1. La donna è mobile
Opera Rigoletto, 1851
Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901)
Description: The Duke of Mantua is a promiscuous playboy who frequently poses as an ordinary person to lure naïve women. His song "La donna è mobile" reveals his personal views on women as stunning yet erratic and malleable beings.
IL DUCA DI MANTOVA La donna è mobile Qual piuma al vento, muta d'accento e di pensiero. Sempre un amabile, leggiadro viso, in pianto o in riso, è menzognero. La donna è mobil'. Qual piuma al vento, muta d'accento e di pensier'! È sempre misero chi a lei s'affida, chi le confida mal cauto il cuore! Pur mai non sentesi felice appieno chi su quel seno non liba amore! La donna è mobil' Qual piuma al vento, muta d'accento e di pensier'. (Francesco Maria Piave) | THE DUKE OF MANTUA The woman is fickle. As a feather in the wind, easily change their voice, and thoughts change just as quickly. Always a lovely, Pretty face, In tears or laughing Just all lies. The woman is fickle As a feather in the wind, easily change their voice, and thoughts change just as quickly. It will always be miserable If you believe in woman, Hey guy, who hastily entrusted A gullible heart of him! Has anyone ever felt? An overwhelming joy But never, from her heart Enjoy the ecstatic wine of love! The woman is fickle As a feather in the wind, easily change their voice, and thoughts change just as quickly. |
2. Parigi, o cara
Opera La Traviata, 1853
Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901)
Description: The duet is a song of joy at the belated reunion of lovers - Violeta Valery, a Parisian prostitute, and Alfredo Germon, a bourgeois of Provence. Violetta is willing to give up love for the sake of her lover's future. Alfredo realized everything as she was dying on the hospital bed and went to his girlfriend - but happiness is now an illusion...
ALFREDO Parigi, o cara, noi lasceremo, la vita uniti trascorreremo. De’ corsi affanni compenso avrai, la tua salute rifiorirà. Sospiro e luce tu mi sarai, tutto il futuro ne arriderà. VIOLETTA Parigi, o caro, noi lasceremo, la vita uniti trascorreremo. De’ corsi affanni compenso avrai, la mia salute rifiorirà. Sospiro e luce tu mi sarai, tutto il futuro ne arriderà. (Francesco Maria Piave) | ALFREDO Let's leave Paris together, my dearest Together we will go through life. Together will make up for the pain experienced And I will be healthy again. You are the light of my life, And the future ahead will smile on us. VIOLETTA Let's leave Paris together, my dearest Together we will go through life. Together will make up for the pain experienced And I will be healthy again. You are the light of my life, And the future ahead will smile at us |
3. Se quel guerrier io fossi!... Celeste Aida
Opera Aida, 1871
Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901)
Description: Ethiopia lost a battle with Egypt. Princess Aida was imprisoned and forced to work as a maidservant for Amneris, the Egyptian princess. Radamès, a bright young Egyptian hero, was charmed by Aida's exquisite beauty and gentle personality. As Ethiopia launched a counterattack, Radamès intended to become a bold commander capable of leading the three armies to victory and returning honor to Aida, the woman he had always admired.
Se quel guerrier io fossi!
Se il mio sogno si avverasse!
Un esercito di prodi da me guidato
E la vittoria e il plauso di Menfi tutta!
E a te, mia dolce Aida, Tornar di lauri cinto Dirti: per te ho pugnato, Per te ho vinto! Celeste Aida, forma divina, Mistico serto di luce e fior, Del mio pensiero tu sei regina, Tu di mia vita sei lo splendor. Il tuo bel cielo vorrei ridarti, Le dolci brezze del patrio suol Un regal serto sul crin posarti, Ergerti un trono vicino al sol. (Antonio Ghislanzoni) | RADAMÈS If I would be that warrior May my dreams come true A brave army will be led by me, Victory returns, the whole Memphis is covered with flowers. And come back to me again, sweet Aida, In glorious glory To say: “I fought, Won the battle for you!" Oh holy Aida, in the form of a goddess, With a glittering garland on her head, You are the queen in my mind, The glorious halo of his life. I will give you back the clear blue sky, The cool breeze in my hometown, I will put on your hair a crown of queens, Offer me the throne in the bright sunlight. |
4. Qui Radamès verrà!... O patria mia
Opera Aida, 1871
Giuseppe VERDI (1813–1901)
Description: The people's distant prayers about her lover's and Amneris' approaching marriage resonated on the Nile's banks, where Aida had secretly planned to meet Radamès. Aida anguished about death, knowing that this may be her final encounter with Radamès. She instantly felt unbounded yearning for her motherland Ethiopia, where she was born and reared, and where she would most likely never be seen again...
Qui Radamès verrà!
Che vorrà dirmi? Io tremo.
Ah! se tu vieni a recarmi, o crudel,
l’ultimo addio,
Del Nilo i cupi vortici
Mi daran tomba, e pace forse, e oblio.
O patria mia, mai più ti rivedrò! O cieli azzurri, o dolci aure native, Dove sereno il mio mattin brillò, O verdi colli, o profumate rive, O patria mia, mai più ti rivedrò! O fresche valli, o queto asil beato, Che un dì promesso dall’amor mi fu; Or che d’amore il sogno è dileguato, O patria mia, non ti vedrò mai più! (Antonio Ghislanzoni) | AIDA Radamès will be here! What will he say to me? Why do we feel so scared? Ah! But if that merciless human comes, to say that last farewell, Then the deep whirlpool of the Nile Shall be my grave, bring me peace, perhaps, and oblivion. Homeland, we will never see you again! Oh the clear blue sky, the wind caressing our homeland, Where bright dawns shine, O green hills, fragrant shores, Homeland, I shall never see you again! Oh cool valley, tranquil refuge, Where a long time ago called me back in love But now that dream of love is faded Homeland, I shall never see you again! |
5. Ave Maria (arr. from Intermezzo)
Opera Cavalleria Rusticana, 1890
Pietro MASCAGNI (1863–1945)
Description: The most famous opera Verismo (Reality) by Italian composer Pietro Mascagni is "Cavalleria Rusticana." The work's theme depicts the love and envy of the inhabitants of the Sicilian countryside. The peaceful, passionate, and lovely melody of the intermezzo was composed by Piero Mazzoni using some words from "Ave Maria," and it eventually became a well-known hymn.
Ave Maria, madre Santa,
Sorreggi il piè del misero che t'implora,
In sul cammin del rio dolor
E fede, e speme gl'infondi in cor.
O pietosa, tu che soffristi tanto,
Vedi, ah! Vedi il mio penar.
Nelle crudeli ambasce d'un infinito pianto,
Deh! Non m'abbandonar.
Ave Maria! In preda al duol, Non mi lasciar, o madre mia, pietà! O madre mia, pietà! In preda al duol, Non mi lasciar, non mi lasciar. (Piero Mazzoni) | Ave Maria, Holy Maria Always lead those in need to beg for Mother Walking on the path of suffering and bitterness And you stir up faith and hope in my heart. O merciful Mother, how patiently you endure, Please see through my sorrows In the midst of suffering, the crying can't stop Oh Mother! Don't forget me Mother Mary! When sufferings weigh on me Please don't leave me, Mother, please have mercy Mother, please be kind! When sufferings weigh on me Don't leave me! |
6. La dolcissima effigie
Opera Adriana Lecouvreur, 1902
Francesco CILEA (1866–1950)
Description: Maurizio, Count of Saxony – a young, brave general fell in love with Adriana Lecouvreur, a beautiful Paris stage actress. He expressed his affections to his beloved, comparing her beauty to a flag waving in the midst of a hard war. Love has turned a martial artist like him into a romantic poet...
MAURIZIO La dolcissima effigie sorridente in te rivedo della madre cara; nel tuo cor della mia patria, dolce preclara l’aura ribevo, che m’aprì la mente. Bella tu sei, come la mia bandiera, della pugne fiammante entro i vapor; tu sei gioconda, come la chimera della Gloria promessa al vincitor. Bella tu sei, tu sei gioconda. Sì, amor mi fa poeta. (Arturo Colautti) | MAURIZIO In you, I see a gentle smile of my beloved mother From your heart I breathe the sweet air of my homeland Where you were born You are as beautiful as a flag Amidst the fire and smoke of the battle You're as fresh as a demon Promises of glorious and vain feats. How lovely you are. Of course, love made me a poet. |
7. Ebben? Ne andrò lontana
Opera La Wally, 1892
Alfredo CATALANI (1854–1893)
Description: La Wally was a young Swiss girl who lived in the high mountains of Tyrol. Her father compelled her to marry a man she didn't know since the person she secretly loved was the son of his adversary. Wally's father gave her an ultimatum: fulfill his will or leave the cherished house. It was painful, but Wally eventually decided to flee...
Ebben? Ne andrò lontana,
Come va l'eco della pia campana,
Là, fra la neve bianca;
Là, fra le nubi d'ôr;
Laddóve la speranza, la speranza
È rimpianto, è rimpianto, è dolor!
O della madre mia casa gioconda, La Wally ne andrà da te, da te Lontana assai, e forse a te, E forse a te, non farà mai più ritorno, Nè più la rivedrai! Mai più, mai più! Ne andrò sola e lontana, Come l'eco è della pia campana, Là, fra la neve bianca; E fra le nubi d'ôr. (Luigi Illica) | WALLY Well then? I shall walk away alone As the echo of the pious church-bell goes away Go somewhere, where the snow is white on all sides Among the golden clouds. Where hope Now it has turned into pain and sorrow! O from my mother's cheerful house Wally is about to go away from you Far away, and perhaps, Will never more return, Never again, never see you again! I will walk away alone and far As the echo of the pious church-bell goes away Go somewhere, where the snow is white on all sides Among the golden clouds. |
8. La nostra morte
Opera Andrea Chénier, 1896
Giuseppe VERDI (1867–1948)
Description: Andrea Chénier was a poet who lived during the French bourgeois revolution. He was an ardent patriot and always supported the Revolutionary movement against the rotten aristocracy of the time. But when the Revolution broke out, he used his pen to condemn the violent, inhuman acts of the revolutionaries - this made him a thorn in the side of the Jacobins and eventually was rejected, arrested, and then executed.
When Andrea Chénier was being held captive for execution. Maddalena, Chénier's lover, accepted to intercede in place of a female death row inmate named Idia Legray to enter the prison to meet Chénier one last time and die with him. Love gave the strength to face death. Before stepping onto the guillotine, Chénier and Maddalena chanted "Long live death!".
CHÉNIER, MADDALENA La nostra morte è il trionfo dell'amor! CHÉNIER Ah benedico, benedico la sorte! MADDALENA Nell'ora che si muore eterni diveniamo! CHÉNIER Morte! MADDALENA Infinito! MADDALENA, CHÉNIER Amore! Amore! CHÉNIER, MADDALENA È la morte! CHÉNIER Ella vien col sole! MADDALENA Ella vien col mattino! CHÉNIER Ah, viene come l'aurora! MADDALENA Col sole che la indora! CHÉNIER Ne viene a noi dal cielo, entro un vel di rose e viole! MADDALENA, CHÉNIER Amor! Amor! Infinito! Amor! Amor! SCHMIDT Andrea Chénier! CHÉNIER Son io! SCHMIDT Idia Legray! MADDALENA Son io! MADDALENA, CHÉNIER Viva la morte! Insiem! (Luigi Illica) | CHÉNIER, MAGDALENE Our death is the triumph of love! CHÉNIER Ah, I bless, I bless fate! MAGDALENE In the hour that dies eternal we become! CHÉNIER Death! MAGDALENE Infinity! MADDALENA, CHÉNIER Love! Love! CHÉNIER, MAGDALENE It is death! CHÉNIER The death comes with the sun! MAGDALENE The death will come at dawn! CHÉNIER Ah, nó đến như thể bình minh đang tới! MAGDALENE with the shining sun! CHÉNIER It came to us from the blue sky, in the embroidered curtain of roses and lily of the valley! MAGDALENE, CHÉNIER Love! Love! Infinity! Love! Love! SCHMIDT Andrea Chénier! CHÉNIER It’s me SCHMIDT Idia Legray! MAGDALENE It’s me MAGDALENE, CHÉNIER Long live death! We are together! |
9. Che gelida manina
Opera La Bohème, 1896
Giacomo PUCCINI (1858–1924)
Description: Poet Rodolfo lives in a run-down area of Paris with other artists for his kids who lead a bohemian lifestyle. On Christmas Eve, the neighboring blacksmith, Mim, knocked on Rodolfo's door to beg for help lighting a candle. Rodolfo was so taken with the shy neighbor's charm that he decided to hide her key so he could talk to her privately.
RODOLFO Che gelida manina! Se la lasci riscaldar. Cercar che giova? Al buio non si trova. Ma per fortuna è una notte di luna, e qui la luna l'abbiamo vicina. Aspetti, signorina, le dirò con due parole chi son, chi son, e che faccio, come vivo. Vuole? Chi son? Chi son? Sono un poeta. Che cosa faccio? Scrivo. E come vivo? Vivo. In povertà mia lieta scialo da gran signore rime ed inni d'amore. Per sogni e per chimere e per castelli in aria l'anima ho milionaria. Talor dal mio forziere ruban tutti i gioielli due ladri: gli occhi belli. V'entrar con voi pur ora ed i miei sogni usati, ed i bei sogni miei tosto si dileguar! Ma il furto non m'accora poiché v'ha preso stanza la speranza. Or che mi conoscete parlate voi. Deh parlate. Chi siete? Vi piaccia dir? (Giuseppe Giacosa & Luigi Illica) | RODOLFO How cold your little hand is! Let me warm it for you. What's the use of searching? We'll never find it in the dark. But luckily, there's a moon, and the moon is with us now. Just wait, my dear young lady, and meanwhile I'll tell you who am I Who am I, what do I do and how do I live? Shall I? Who am I? I'm a poet. My business? Writing. How do I live? Just live. In my happy poverty Like a king, I scatter rhymes and rhythms about love. When they fly into dreams, illusions And castles in the air. I'm a millionaire in spirit. But sometimes even my treasure all treasures kept are stolen by two thieves: a pair of pretty eyes. They came in now with you and all my lovely dreams, my dreams of the past, suddenly disappeared But that loss doesn't bother me, because, instead, it is filled with hope. Now that you know me, it's your turn to speak. Who are you? Will you tell me? |
10. Chi il bel sogno di Doretta
Opera La Rondine, 1917
Giacomo PUCCINI (1858–1924)
Description: During a gathering in a prestigious Parisian salon, the poet Prunier performed an unfinished new piece of his - a song about Doretta's dream, who denies a king's charms because she puts love beyond all ordinary material things. The owner of the salon, the prostitute Magda, was intrigued by the notion and proceeded to finish the second part of the song's lyrics...
MAGDA Chi il bel sogno di Doretta potè indovinar? Il suo mister come mai come mai fini… Ahimè! un giorno uno studente In bocca la baciò E fu quel bacio rivelazione: Fu la passione! Folle amore! Folle ebbrezza! Chi la sottil carezza d'un bacio così ardente Mai ridir potrà? Ah! mio sogno! Ah! mia vita! Che importa la ricchezza Se alfine è rifiorita la felicità! O sogno d'or poter amar così! (Giuseppe Adami) | MAGDA
Who would guess about Doretta's beautiful dream?
How will that mystery come to an end...
Oh my God! One day there was a student
Kiss her lips
A kiss of awakening:
Passion! Madly in love! Shocked!
The gentle euphoria from that hot kiss
Can anyone describe it?
Ah! My dream! My life! What's the point of being rich and rich? When happiness overflows Oh golden dream, wish I could be loved like that! |